Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Midnight City

Mostly echoes and whispers -that is the best way I could describe the song.

I first heard of the airy song by M83 in Warm Bodies writen by Isaac Marion and directed by Jonathan Levine. Well, reading the book was different from watching it. Now this might sound a lot like a movie review but let me assure you, we'll get to designing tip later.

Anyway. I had more fun reading it than watching it. Scenes weren't similar from what I imagined reading it. Though, I can't blame Levine especially if it was Marion's idea. Somehow, I got bored with how it was represented. Good thing the music score was good. Now, where am I going with this, you might ask. Well here we go.

In my previous post I asked you to imagine yourself in a music video while listening to your favorite song. Try to assess your vision again without the music. Now which is better?

I'd have to say the one with music is way better, right? Now that's color. That is the feel. You'd want to walk in a room where you get a certain vibe -may it be fun, calm, or even harsh- as long as it fits you and the design.

The thing is, you think of your design with music as an inspiration then keep the music playing after brainstorming. Thus, keeping the song's vibe in your design in the long run. Never turn down the volume. Never let the vibe run out.

The same goes with organizing parties. You'd want to play songs that fit the event. Never be afraid to apply music to your design or concepts.

In future posts, I'll be showing you photos with similarites and differences between the designs and the songs.

As for now, try to work on your own and surprise yourself with a pop of cray.

Have fun guys!


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