Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Coffee, Mignon, And More Coffee

Look around your favorite coffee shop or restaurant. Put service, food and/or drink's quality aside, what do you like about the place? Is it the couches? Or maybe the lights? It might be the shelves where they stack their tumblers. The thing is, since it is one of your favorite places to go to, why not grab a part of it (and I don't mean steal their couches, lights, and those shelves) then put it to a place you'd want to go home to.

Coffee shops, restaurants are good places for a room inspiration. But worried your room might look a lot like one than an actual bedroom? Let me tell you one thing, patterns!

Orange. A good popping color for a neutral room.
[New Orleans Cafe, Davao]

Who said black and white can't be fun?
[TGIF, Mall Of Asia]

It doesn't have to be the exact replica of your favorite shop or restaurant. As I have said, only a part of it. It's all about the elements of the shop or restaurant that you have loved every single day you grab a bite off that stake or take a sip on that frappuccino.

You don't have to worry about your room turning into Starbucks or New York's Per Se. Nowadays, coffee shops and restaurants are more than tables and chairs, food and coffee. They all compete not only with quality but of the ambiance. The design sets the mood of customers. It is not only the food that makes them come back for more. So why not apply a part of it to set your mood as you enter your room.

Patterns have this effect on the eyes that draws it more to you. The repeated regular or irregular shapes sets you in a mood without you even knowing. One minute your down then next thing you know you're up. And that is the kind of mood you'd want to have as you enter your room.

Since coffee shops and restaurants are of food and service, this trick also is a huge help in getting inspiration for kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms.

So go to your local coffee shop or grab a bite at your favorite restaurant now and be inspired!

Comment below for questions and/or suggestions. I'd love to hear from the readers.


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