Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Everybody hates the flash

Nope. I am not talking about the superhero. I am actually referring to that light you have on your camera.

In cases where you'd wanna share your newly rearranged room to almost all social networking sites over the internet, a digital camera might come in handy. Not unless you have your iPhone. The most common debate you encounter with yourself when it comes to taking pictures might be "Flash or No Flash."

If you hate it, so do I.

Now, let's talk basic photography, kids!

That flash's only purpose for me is to give the most unflattering and unnatural lighting. But as what the manual states, it's built-in. Now we can't just take it off, right? Deal with it -if you just read between the lines. So basically, flashes like those pop-up ones on dSLRs should not be used. You ask why? Well, first things first, it could give you the red-eye. It might be acceptable especially if your a shining vampire. But if not, drop it. Second. In terms of taking photos of your designs, it is always better to use the rooms natural light form the windows and your light fixtures which leads me to the third. Depth. Photos come out flat with the use of flash for the reason that it directly hits the subject. In some cases, the background come out dark which makes the photo a lot more dull. Fourth, you own the camera and the flash that comes with it, but using it seems like your being controled. So when using the flash, put this in mind: It is the last thing you want to do.

Now in instances where you really, I mean REALLY need to use the flash there is one thing you could do to at least minimize the headache. That's where a diffuser comes in.

What is a diffuser then?
It softens the flash and removes the harshness it gives to your subject.

Where can you find diffusers?
Surprisingly, you can find it at home. It may be a tissue paper, table napkin, or a cut-out of a plastic white (somehow translucent) container.

Place your diffuser over the flash and try to work around it and adjust to you liking. This might not have the same effect from those expensive flashes for dSLRs but hey, at least you did something about it, right?

But that doesn't end the hate I feel towards the flash. Not the superhero!

Keep exploring!

based on Scott Kelby's The Digital Photograpy Book Vol2. (No copyright infringement intended)

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